Next Gen

New handbook – 30 Tips For Being A Valued Contributor

On the back of the success of our Emerging Leaders webinar series, we're excited to announce the release of a new handbook packed full of helpful tips and advice for people interested in or just starting out on show societies, rural boards, and agricultural...

RASV establishes new Youth Advisory Group to inspire the next generation of Victorian agricultural leaders

    RASV establishes new Youth Advisory Group to inspire the next generation of Victorian agricultural leaders The Royal Agricultural Society of Victoria (RASV) is pleased to announce plans to establish a Youth Advisory Group to support and nurture the next...

Taking Stock column: livestock show younger generation a way of life

This article originally appeared in The Land Online The cancellation of most shows in 2020 not only affected keen livestock breeders, but it was also felt by the younger generation within the industry. A chance to meet new friends or catch up with old mates, the show...

ASAs Federal Grants Update

In May 2019 ASA was successful in receiving two Commonwealth Grants through Department of Agriculture and Water Resources within the Landcare-Smart Farms- Capacity Building program. On 1st June Performance Reports for both grants were submitted and accepted by the...