In May 2019 ASA was successful in receiving two Commonwealth Grants through Department of Agriculture and Water Resources within the Landcare-Smart Farms- Capacity Building program. On 1st June Performance Reports for both grants were submitted and accepted by the Department. The associated payment due of $57,272.73 was received for grant 2.  

Each grant has a Project Officer appointed to undertake the following tasks:

  1. work with the Project Manager and the ASA Executive Officer at an operational level to enable the project objectives to be met;
  2. work directly with working groups to develop their objectives so that they are in line with the project objectives;
  3. work with working groups to overcome any challenges that exist in the current competitions held in various States.

Kerri Robertson is the Project Officer for the Young Judges & Paraders grant and Georgia Clark has undertaken the same role for the YFC component and is engaged to undertake developing some resources for the ESAP grant. 

Dr Jo Pluske is the Project Manager across each grant of which her role is to:

  • initiate the project with the ASA Executive Officer and Project Officers;
  • assist the Project Officers where required;
  • work with the ASA Executive Officer to oversee the activities instigated through this project;
  • produce the project financial and operational reports

1. Education of Sustainable Agri-food Production Program (ESAP) – $81,818 over 3 years

The purpose of the grant is to enable ASA to carry out the activities for the Education of Sustainable Agri-food Production Program (ESAP) to benefit schools, regional agricultural shows and community events. 

A desktop review of educational resources relevant to ASA has been conducted. 

In considering the findings from this report, the following recommendations have been made for the EASP project:

  • Develop criteria to identify relevant resources for an ASA education program; 
  • Develop an on-line platform for these resources; 
  • Identify and invite potential partners to express interest in making their resources available via this platform;
  • Develop learning resources relevant to ASA National Competitions;
  • Establish a sustainable funding mechanism.

2. Young Judges and Paraders Program ($109,091) and the Young Farmers Challenge ($463, 636) over 3 years.

Young Judges & Parader Program:

Several initiatives identified in the project plan have commenced and are on target to be completed within the predicted timeframes. Specific progress is reported against the performance indicators as below. 

Communication and media materials improving the profile of the program. 

  • A project timeline for improving marketing materials has been put in place;
  • Content building, planning and story board writing has commenced.

New initiatives and guidelines for further competitions provided. 

  • A draft Terms of Reference for the establishment of the NRAWG is complete with a review by advisors pending;
  • A Market Research Plan has been written and work has commenced;
  • Development of a Sponsorship Prospectus has begun;
  • An Animal Welfare Initiative has commenced with an initial plan being developed in consultation with researchers at the University of Melbourne.

Provision for a national coordinator for the program to provide guidance and resources.

  • A document detailing the Role of the Rural Ambassador and National Finals Coordinator is complete;
  • A joint position for this role between ASA and the project has been filled.

 Young Farmers Challenge

This grant will enable a National NextGen to be developed and to grow a National YFC.

Several initiatives identified in the project plan have commenced and are on target to be completed within the predicted timeframes. Specific progress is reported against the performance indicators as below. 

Support provided to the national structure of the NextGen:

  • A presentation was given by Aimee Snowden at the National NextGen Forum held in Brisbane on 17th January 2020. Notes taken from discussions held at the Forum have been written; 
  • A presentation was given by Jo Pluske to the WA Affiliated Agricultural Societies Conference on 24th February 2020;
  • A flyer outlining the project has been written and was distributed at the forum and conference; 
  • ASA has put out a media release about the project;
  • A Media, Extension and Presentation Log has commenced
  • A list of relevant contact people for NextGen in each State has been compiled from existing lists. In addition, a list of interested people ascertained from the NextGen Forum has been included in this spreadsheet;
  • Contact has been made with relevant people in each State to ascertain where the group is at with NextGen. Progress and therefore support required is variable. A working document concerning this information is complete;
  • All relevant existing guiding/background documents for NextGen structures have been identified and distributed as required;
  • A Position Statement for the National NextGen Committee is complete;
  • A draft Terms of Reference for the National NextGen Committee is complete.

Support provided to the Young Farmers Challenge:

  • Components of a national YFC have been considered in terms of what is currently done;
  • All relevant existing documents regarding YFC have been identified and stored;
  • A draft Terms of Reference for the National YFC Working group is complete;
  • A draft Position Statement for the National YFC Working group is complete;
  • An interim National YFC Working Group has been formed;
  • A draft of the updated Australian YFC handbook is complete;
  • Draft funding application criteria and forms are complete;
  • Meetings with the Working Group have taken place to discuss: the budget; the AYFC Handbook; funding applications; comments and updates to current structures;
  • It was decided that the venue for the National YFC would be at the Adelaide Royal Show (4 – 13 September 2020). This show has been cancelled and so the next National YFC will take place in 2021. It is anticipated that it will be held at Adelaide Royal Show.