Hi there! My name is Jessica Fearnley, I am 26 years old and was lucky enough to be awarded the 2022 RM Williams Rural...
Meet Young Merino Sheep Judge Campbell Rubie (NSW)
16 year old Campbell Rubie hails from Warroo in the central west region of New South Wales, on the Lachlan River...
Finding the nation’s finest young fleece judge
Agricultural Shows of Australia (ASA) today announced the seven national finalists in the prestigious annual Merino...
RASF 2021 Rural and VET Scholarship recipients
This article was originally published in the Northern Daily Leader Six students from the New England North West region...
Royal Agricultural Society of NSW seeks stories leading up to their 200 years
Over the years the Show has become our greatest memory maker, the site from which tales are told and stories are...
Meet Young Beef Cattle Parader Tayla Miller (NSW)
Representing New South Wales: Tayla Miller (24) Tayla is the New South Wales state finalist at the 2021 Agricultural...
Meet Young Beef Cattle Judge Grace Burns (NSW)
Representing New South Wales: Grace Burns (16) Grace is the NSW state finalist at the 2021 Agricultural Shows...
Meet Rural Ambassador James Cleaver (NSW)
Representing New South Wales: James Cleaver (29) James is the NSW state finalist at the 2021 Agricultural Shows...
Meet young Merino fleece judge Clarissa Peasley (NSW)
Representing New South Wales: Clarissa Peasley (18) Clarissa is the New South Wales state finalist at the 2021...
Meet young alpaca judge Christie Hayward (NSW)
Representing New South Wales: Christie Hayward (18) Christie is the New South Wales state finalist at the 2021...
Great to be back at The Sydney Royal
Article by Katie Stanley, Executive Officer, Agricultural Shows of Australia. As I walked through those familiar gates...
RAS of NSW – Cheese and Dairy Produce Show
It’s that time of the year again, the 2021 Cheese & Dairy Produce Show judges have arrived and are ready to sample...