Planning for the Agricultural Shows of Australia Inaugural Conference is well underway, with early bird tickets selling quickly with the discounted ticket sales to close at midnight on Friday, 1 November 2019.

The Conference committee is excited to continue to secure quality speakers to form part of a quality program, designed to collectively deliver the key Conference message, “Stronger Together, Building Resilient, Adaptable Shows”.

Speakers recently added to the program include:

  • Natalie Egleton, CEO of FRRR to present the topic “Show me the Money” which will focus on tools and strategies to successfully apply for grants;
  • Michelle Hocking, General Manager of the Royal Adelaide Show to deliver a presentation “What is threat and its types” which will encourage conference attendees to be aware of emerging threats to their events, how shows can identify, monitor, manage and respond to these risks; and
  • Melinee Leather, grazier and 2019 Australian Farm Biosecurity Producer of the Year for demonstrating outstanding on-farm biosecurity practices who will share her practical knowledge of biosecurity and practical measures Shows can take to ensure they are meeting biosecurity obligations.

Download the preliminary Conference Program (October 2019)