The QLD Ag. Shows Conference 2018 was hosted by the QCAS Next Generation Committee at the Gatton campus of University of Queensland from Friday 12 to Sunday 14 January, 2018. The ASA was represented at the conference by Julie Krieger, Executive Officer and Dr Rob Wilson, Chair. In addition, ASA Director Karen Wolf was in attendance and ASA Director Lyndsey Douglas was the MC for the conference. The extensive program focused on the theme of ‘Connect, Protect and Represent’ and featured 32 sessions covering topics ranging from Show Skills, social media, WHS and education through to risk minimisation and managing committee conflict.
Rob Wilson gave a presentation on the ASA and the importance of the ASA’s success to all Show societies and Shows. Rob focused on ‘Where to from here’, calling on everyone present to engage with the ASA for the success of all.
The conference was very well attended with approximately 250 Show representatives – many from regional QLD and from the Next Generation ranks – joining the three days of invaluable insight and learning as well as a healthy dose of fun and laughter. An image of the conference program is below.
Julie Krieger
Executive Officer