Volunteer Week

Show society presidents praise their volunteers during National Volunteer Week

Show society presidents praise their volunteers for helping ag shows thrive again after drought, floods, fire and a pandemic during National Volunteer Week To mark this year’s National Volunteer Week, Agricultural Shows Australia are talking to five agshow presidents...

The Young and the Restless: youth volunteers secure the future of country shows 

Agricultural Shows around Australia have for generations served as the central function of a community regularly pulling together and bringing out its best. This week as we celebrate show volunteers, we’re proud to feature stories of amazing young people leading the...

The show volunteers inspiring our next generation 

During National Volunteer Week, Agricultural Shows Australia is celebrating our remarkable Young Judges and Paraders competition volunteers. Australia is home to countless individuals and communities that generously donate their time to causes close to their hearts....

Volunteer show leadership essential in times of crisis

Volunteer show presidents are central to the continued success and progress of agshows, navigating volunteer teams through the challenges that arise. From inclement weather to council and crown land negotiations, rundown facilities, financial puzzles and finding...