NSW, TAS, VIC, WA and SA all vied for the National Young Farmer Challenge award at the 2023 Royal Adelaide Show.

The initial portion of the competition was a quiz that tested the team’s general knowledge on famous faces, farm safety and general agricultural. At the conclusion of the quiz the points were tallied, and handicaps given to each team for the night time portion of the event in the main arena. The main event was held at 6pm on the Royal Adelaide Show arena with challenges including:

  • Throughout the entire competition each team were responsible for the transport of a large toolbox that contained all their required equipment to complete each challenge.
  • Build and walk the plant (teamwork activity)
  • Measure and build a fence to specification cutes made with a chainsaw (NEW CHALLENGE)
  • Vet Challenge – one team member pulls on a glove and feels inside a fake cow to identify a number.
  • Build a scarecrow
  • Firefighting challenge
  • Hotlap in a V8 ute
  • Fleurieu milk company ice coffee skull
  • Construct classes on a table, throw a fleece and skirt and roll a wool bale (Australian Wool Network challenge)

For more ideas on how to run a Young Farmer challenge at your show, take a look at our handbook or this light hearted video. We have also set up a closed Facebook page called YFC Information Exchange so we encourage anyone tasked to running a YFC to join this page.

Our website is full of resources for your show society to run a Young Farmer Challenge, I recommend you take a look.

Our thanks to Andrew Hall (SA) for all his organisation of the National Finals and Justin Matthews (NSW) for the announcing alongside Andrew.