Agricultural Shows Australia

Affiliate Membership

Affiliate membership of the ASA is open to associations, Government agencies or organisations involved in agriculture in different jurisdictions, or providing complimentary benefits to ASA.

Affiliate membership benefits:

  • Attendance at the AGM
  • The ability to submit promotional content for publishing on ASA website/newsletter
  • Access to use of ASA logo (per guidelines)
  • Attendance at ASA events
  • Opportunity to sponsor ASA activity
  • Complimentary access to ASA resources
  • Access to the ASA newsletter
  • Discounted attendance at ASA conferences
  • Access to Board Meeting updates
  • Ability to place logo on ASA website

Affiliate membership fees:

Jan – Dec $1,500 p/a +gst pro-rated

Affiliate membership entitles all employees, Board members and other nominated representatives of the member organisation to receive member benefits of the ASA.

To apply, please complete the form below. Membership applications will be reviewed by the ASA and you will be contacted shortly to confirm status.

Fees are per annum and noted ex-GST. Membership renewals will be invoiced in November of each year with payment due by December 31 for the following full-year membership.
Enquiries should be directed to the ASA Executive Officer

promoting the role and significance of Australian Agricultural Shows to the wider community

About Ag Shows Australia

Agricultural Shows Australia represents over 580 shows nation-wide and works to engage, influence and promote the essential value of Australian Agriculture.

Ag Shows