Georgia is the Tasmanian state finalist at the 2021 Agricultural Shows Australia National Young Judges finals held at the Royal Queensland Show. Agricultural Shows of Australia sat down with the 26 year old poultry judge from Campania (south of Hobart) who loves her horses too.
My parents owned, breed and showed horse which I was born into so have always been around animals. I always had a passion for the feathered animals more then the furry, which has lead me to study agriculture and vet nurse classes all the way to jobs into the zoo keeping and animal retail.
I was introduced into the southern clubs of Tasmanian and have ventured to almost all poultry clubs and venues around Tasmania. For me I haven’t shown much at the royal show due to my chooks at that stage of the year being out of show conditions which is why I focused on the judging side of things at my royal show. I would like to get more into the side of showing ducks and game fowl more, but I will be for sure showing poultry.
I started competing about four years ago and have represented Tasmania once already at the first ever poultry judging comp at Royal Adelaide show.
I owe my entry into this world to my next door neighbour, Nicky Rolle, has always had white Wyandottes as long as I can remember. We would buy her non show quality pullets for laying chooks. Later down the track when I was a bit more older she gave me some eggs to hatch, which became my first show team of white wyandottes bantams. I was very successful with them and the rest is history I compete in the western performance horse industry and have competed for Tasmania multiple times in Melbourne at the Royal and have competed in Sydney as well.
Due to covid, I lost my job as a zookeeper and I now work in a pet and livestock store, but before covid I would hand raise all the birds for the zoo and had a real passion for exotic birds.
My favourite show I have attended in Tasmania would have to be the annual Wyandotte Club of Tasmania Show because it’s a specialised show of Wyandottes with judges who judge breed and show Wyandottes bringing the best of the best together.
My greatest successes for far would be achieving reserve champion Wyandotte in show at the Tasmania Wyandotte club annual show and, at the Royal Launceston Show, winning reserve bird in show, best bantam, best white Wyandottes, best Wyandotte, best female Wyandotte and highest placing female exhibitor.
My most embarrassing moment would have been when my large white Wyandotte female got dirty and I had to half wash her the morning of the show. I always carry and hair drier to dry them off in case I need to clean them. I accidentally forgot to pack the hair dryer and had to improvise with a car heater of a range rover (which are probably the most useless heaters in any car) I did get a few weird/funny looks for friends walking past as I was trying to dry my pullet in the car.